A Daring to Meet the Bear Knowledge Bundle was created in 2018 to pass down the teachings and medicines. Knowledge bundles are used by indigenous peoples to pass down their teachings. They are traditionally a physical object in which sacred medicines and teachings are stored. They are meant to preserve and pass these teachings down to the next person who uses them – ultimately accumulating further knowledge from its next user and being passed to our descendants. We have created a two-part bundle, a physical one with key documents and lessons shared by Elders (pictured to the right) and an online community at GC Collab “Daring to Meet the Bear.” (These documents will be moved to this site shortly). This knowledge bundle is intended to provide the people after us with our knowledge and experiences on this project in the hope that they continue the research tradition. The Bear Circle Peoples feast the bundle at the Solstices and other times recommended by the Elders.